Thursday, June 9, 2011

So what do you know about Malaga.....

So what do you know about Malaga? Birthplace of Picasso and Antonio Banderas perhaps, well I am proud to say it will be the new haunt of this chica. After much debate and let's face it a sheer case of the scared *** less, I decided I will do this.  I accepted a position to be an English Language and Cultural Assistant in Malaga, Spain. Anyone who knows me, knows I have had a love affair with Spain since I first visited and studied there 14 yrs ago. Afterwards, any chance I got  to go, I went..I did have short detour when I live in Buenos Aires for a bit back in 2008; however, Spain kept calling ( for the record I'm not dissing BsAs because I love Argentina too and I haven't ruled out returning there as well). I'm not sure where this new adventure will lead, but I do know that it is time for me to move on and take a chance. I have been taking graduate classes in education, specifically TESOL and International Studies. Finally, I am grabbing a hold of that Plan B I spoke about. This has been tough, I am leaving friends and family I adore and a job that pays me very well for a job that will pay me peanuts but I have to follow my passion. Someone once said that if you do what you love, the money will follow. Ummm we shall see... I do know that I have to stay true to my philosophy... I want to live and not just exist in this world. So hello Malaga...let the living begin.

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At June 9, 2011 at 6:46 AM , Blogger Rosa said...

Hi Christine,

My name is Rosa, I am from Spain, Madrid but I am currently living in Malaga. I saw you posted a comment on Love and Paella blog regarding you are going to move to Malaga( Huelin)in September. I live close by and I am friend of Sarah too, so if I can help you with something please let me know. Welcome to Spain! Rosa.

At June 11, 2011 at 1:30 PM , Blogger Christine said...

Hi Rosa,
Thank you so much. September will be here much to do. Any suggestions on where I should look for apartments? I would like to be in walking distance of shops, etc... but I don't mind quiet either..well maybe not too quiet. :o)

At June 23, 2011 at 4:53 AM , Blogger Rosa said...

Sorry Christine for not getting back to you before, I was on vacation until yesterday :).

I understand you were looking at living in Huelin area..I live close but not right there exactly and I wouldn´t recomend it as it is near the city centre ( by bus) and the beach ( walking distance) but there aren´t many shops, etc.. Huelin was a fishing village before becoming part of Malaga and it still remains a little bit like this until now.
I think you might like Malagueta area more. Its location is the best in Malaga, it is within a walking distance to almost everything; downtown, beach, monuments, shops, restaurants, cafes, etc. It is very nice.

Please let me know if you have more questions.

At July 25, 2011 at 11:21 AM , Blogger Christine said...

Thanks again Rosa. I can't wait to get there and get started. ahhhhhhh


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