Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tackle Today

I first heard about Alicia and Nathan Bonds when I saw an article in the paper. The headline, Couple Learn They Both Have Cancer seemed too sad for me, so I skipped it. It wasn't until I was packing for a business trip I was dreading that I heard their story on the tv playing in the background. It made me stop, sit down and listen. Wow here is a couple who have had the most devastating news given to them. Nathan being told he has Stage 3 and Alicia just nine days later told she has Stage 4 (they have a 15 month old) and yet their story was of hope and joy. They said something that was so powerful for me..."Worrying about tomorrow? no, tackle today!"
Yes!  those words are so true. We spend so much time fretting and worrying about things we can not control. We often over look the beauty in what is happening today. It may not be the earth shattering moments we envision, but there is beauty in the simplest things. We just have to take a moment to stop... find and cherish the good instead of elevating the bad.

Through this story, this couple taught me and everyone else that has read or saw their story, a lesson about life I don't think we will soon forget. My thoughts and prayers go out to them and may they continue to stay strong.

Thank you for showing me again that I must continue to live and not just exist...this business trip may not be that bad after all... like Nathan Bonds said, worry about tomorrow? tackle today!

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