Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What's in a Relationship?

When it comes to UPS...everything!
Over the last few years I have had a wonderful relationship with my UPS guy. It seems I have developed into quite the on-line shopper...damn you insomnia and infomercials!

In the early years he has witnessed me running for dear life trying to make the vague after 5 time slot that was circled on previous InfoNotices;he has been patient when I knocked on the door of the truck inquiring if there was anything for me and even laughed at my various weak attempts at postal humor. Despite all of this, over the years we have manged to forge a pretty good- no dare I say pretty darn good relationship. He has so graciously saved his last delivery for me (and another neighbor in the building). The days I have class he will leave a package with my trusted neighbor even when the InfoNotice requires me to sign and alas he laughs at my pitiful attempts at humor. Oh yes we are zen,UPS and I; so you can imagine my surprise when I encountered my version of package delivery hell. First, a delivery was attempted at 10:30 a.m. and then a "second" attempt the next day at 4:46 (hello I was home the whole day this time and nada!!!). The final straw, I left word to leave it with my neighbor only to come home and see the final attempt -package returned to sender notice smacked on my door.

Gulp! where did we go wrong? was this a failure to communicate? are we fighting?
Perhaps this relationship had ran its natural course, some other building was the apple of his eye?
I just had to know...ok, ok I was trying to get them not to ship my stuff back but still...
I called the 800 number like a wounded soul only to find out, it wasn't my regular driver...

So again I ask what's in a relationship? with my UPS driver..everything! :)

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