Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday, Monday

I wish I knew why Mondays cause such intense emotion in me, especially around 6 p.m. on Sunday nights. Perhaps it's knowing that before me awaits the same ole same ole. However, this Sunday was a bit different. I think since I have been off my feet for a few days, I was actually craving the idea of getting up and getting ready to go. Of course I did my usual...woke up at the unheard of hour at 4:30 a.m. watched tv until 6:00 a.m. then drifted off until 7:00 but this time I didn't have to get up to go anywhere and for a moment I felt deflated. Explain that one....having Monday( and a rainy one at that) off and I feel deflated?

It took a few hours later for it to sink in. I had watched all morning the sad and devastating news about the loss of life and the destruction of a whole town in Missouri. I can't imagine the pain and sense of being deflated they must feel (and they are not out of danger yet...storms are due).  I bet anyone of them will love the chance to get up this Monday morning and go to the same ole same ole.

In a few short months, my life is about to change. I will be embarking on a new and wonderful plan for myself...I only hope in these same few months those that lost so much will be able to embark on their own new wonderful plan.

Now I didn't want this to be a "woe is me entry" as much as a "I need to be more grateful" one.
And grateful I shall be....
Have a grateful day...oh and HAPPY MONDAY!!!!

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