Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday, Monday

I wish I knew why Mondays cause such intense emotion in me, especially around 6 p.m. on Sunday nights. Perhaps it's knowing that before me awaits the same ole same ole. However, this Sunday was a bit different. I think since I have been off my feet for a few days, I was actually craving the idea of getting up and getting ready to go. Of course I did my usual...woke up at the unheard of hour at 4:30 a.m. watched tv until 6:00 a.m. then drifted off until 7:00 but this time I didn't have to get up to go anywhere and for a moment I felt deflated. Explain that one....having Monday( and a rainy one at that) off and I feel deflated?

It took a few hours later for it to sink in. I had watched all morning the sad and devastating news about the loss of life and the destruction of a whole town in Missouri. I can't imagine the pain and sense of being deflated they must feel (and they are not out of danger yet...storms are due).  I bet anyone of them will love the chance to get up this Monday morning and go to the same ole same ole.

In a few short months, my life is about to change. I will be embarking on a new and wonderful plan for myself...I only hope in these same few months those that lost so much will be able to embark on their own new wonderful plan.

Now I didn't want this to be a "woe is me entry" as much as a "I need to be more grateful" one.
And grateful I shall be....
Have a grateful day...oh and HAPPY MONDAY!!!!

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Thursday, May 19, 2011


Picasso, Banderas, sun, tapas and wine....I see something quite wonderful for the future. At last Plan b at work???
Stay tuned!


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Clouds, what clouds?

This morning I decided cloudy skies be damned, I will make my own sunshine. I got up grabbed my laptop and car keys and decided I was going to go to the beach. Who cares if the sun isn't out and it's only May 14, to me there is nothing like smelling the salty air, feeling the breeze and hearing waves crash. I was all set until I put the keys into the ignition..nothing, nada, zilch! What the....are you kidding me? ok don't get crazy what is your plan b? Well since my car is parked in the garage I don't have to worry about it just yet. I mean living in NYC I do have access to the best public transportation. So my plan B? Hmmmmm

I grabbed my stuff and headed to the fountain by my apartment. I can still feel a gentle breeze and hear the splashing of the water courtesy of the beautiful fountain and although I don't have the sea air, I can smell coffee brewing from the diner steps away (another favorite smell) so see it all worked out. I found my sunshine after all and by the looks of the few people out here with me (it's only 8:15 a.m) they have too. Cloudy skies be damn.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Optimism has returned

So, I woke up this morning with such as sense of optimism. I'm not sure why... perhaps it was because I had an extra day off or maybe it was that I got to spend time with my mom and aunts on Mother's Day weekend(which I loved).
Umm I'm sure both of those had  a lot to do with it; however, I think the presence of the sun in these parts had a hand in it too.  It's no secret I hibernate during the winter. There is something about long, cold and dark days that just scream head home to the couch, tv and glass of wine to me.  Yet once spring comes and I have loaded up on drugs (I've got allergies people) I'm ready to roll. There is something magical about New York when the seasons change, especially when the sun and warm days come around.  Suddenly the train crawling along due to sick passenger, traffic ahead, insert nuisance here, etc., doesn't take on the need to riot so much as it did before. Yup, a true sense of hope and renewal shakes this cynic to her core.

I will admit the work environment has been tense these last few weeks and will be for another few, but somehow when the sun comes out and a warm breeze sweeps across my face...all is right with the world. I started this blog because I wanted to start a change. I wanted to work on my plan B and I am happy to say I am. Let's just say I'm looking forward to at least 320 days of sunshine in my future.

To be continued......

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

My Life in France...ah New York

Ok so today marks the second Sunday I have been channeling my inner Julia Child. Yes, like countless others I have watched Julie&Julia a million times. I even followed Julie's blog when she started the project; however, I think it was the re-reading of Julia Child's wonderful book, My Life in France that did it. I have been moved to put on some tunes, fill up my wine glass and get to creating some of her wonderful recipes.

Tonight I made a beurre blanc sauce to go with fish lightly fried in glorious butter. HEAVEN! I can truly say I had such a great time preparing and watching it all come together. Last week I made the infamous beef bourguignon. Now let me say I am not a beef eater (ok I had a short lived affair with it in Buenos Aires) so most of it went to friends, but I had such a marvelous time creating it. Although I only had a taste, it was so worth the 4 hours it took to make. I now see what the fuss was all about (and if the Julia God's are reading, yes I made sure to dry each piece of beef before I browned it). So with all that being said..what will I make next Sunday..ummm ???? Whatever I decide it will be Mom approved being Mother's Day and sure to contain the drinking of wine. Until then Bon Appetit!

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