Friday, July 29, 2011

Kiss of the Spiderwoman

Those that know me well know that I don't get really creeped out by most insects and not by spiders(ok technically not an insect but hey this ain't a science lesson).
Whenever I come across one in the house I gently pick it up and put it back outside. I don't know, call it karma if you will..anywho..I was sitting at work last week when I felt something bite me. I just thought great another mosquito bite, rubbed the back of my calf and continued working ( yeah that's right working). I noticed a little redness but I get that with mosquito bites. Flash forward a couple of days and this sucker is the size of a baseball, throbbing and itching. Add on another day and I have a fever, headache and sore throat..WTF! What kind of creature was this? A spider you say? I have been bitten by a spider before but never like this. I go to the doctor get loaded up on antibiotics and antihistamines and assume the "watch tv spread out on the couch" position for two days.

Not exactly the two day off from work I had in mind, especially when all the medicine bottles scream avoid alcoholic beverages. Damn! well wine is made from grapes so that's fruit right, right?
I better have some super human spidey powers after this!


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