Monday, July 4, 2011

Independence/Happy 4th of July

What can I say, this Independence Day weekend was amazing. Let me first start off by saying I did feel a twing of guilt not going home to spend it with the family; however, with the parental units support I did spend time with others that are important to me as well. Did I do earth shattering things like climb a mountain or go hang with "my peeps" in the Hamptons like all good NY'ers ( insert smile) I spent time with good friends, food and just plain fun. I stuffed my face at an amazing BBQs or as we call it in my neck of the woods an amazing cookout with Las Chicas. I also spent a rainy Sunday afternoon watching some incredible films at an African Diaspora film festival at Columbia Univ and then topping the night sipping wine and walking around the East Village/L.E.S taking it all in with a friend.

Today shopping for some fresh veggies and stuff I was reminded that Independence Day means so much  in many different ways to different people. The beauty of NYC is that it is filled with people from all over and yet we all are able to walk around knowing that freedom and the ability to be and do whatever your heart desires is what ties us.
Happy Independence Day and I hope you got a chance to celebrate it in whatever way made you feel the meaning of the words.

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