Sunday, November 6, 2011


It has been awhile. I have been in Malaga for over a month and time seems to escape me some days and drift ever so slowly on others.
I like my job and I have settled into my apt., which I love. I have a view of the mountains and can feel the breeze from the ocean (although I can't quite see it). There is something different yet familiar about this city. I guess cities everywhere tend to take on similiar personalities from time to time. At one point I forgot where I was and when someone held the door for me I proceed to speak in English.

Ahh English, being that is all I am suppose to speak at work, it makes it tough to really get a handle on my Spanish. Sure I can go to any bar and order with the best of them but my everyday Spanish is taking a hit. Here in Andalucia, people let's just say have a very distinct way of speaking. Some days I applaud myself for being able to catch every word and other days I'm lucky to pick up one-tenth of what was said to me. Those are the days where time seems to drift every so slowly and leave me feeling a bit lost at sea.
I promised myself on those days I will take a deep breath and remember how blessed I am to be in a position to not only feel but act and do. Rough day? there's always the next one!

This morning I made coffee, curled up on the couch and started reading the NY Times(via laptop). It felt like I was back home in New York then I looked up and out onto the balcony and saw all the splendor that is Malaga. I had to stop and take notice...this was a start to a perfect Sunday. You see, right then and there I had the best of both worlds.
I didn't feel like everything was moving too fast or too just was... well it just was a beautiful moment in time.

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