Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Art of Conversation

It's funny, we don't really think about conversation being so much of an art as it is essential to our being. I witness two gentlemen having a conversation on the bus and had to stop myself from the church giggles. The more I tried to mind my own business, the more I became an uninvited third party. It seems both of these men were trying to communicate the same thing to each other, yet they kept over talking each other completely oblivious to the fact that one already stated what the other had said. I witnessed what should of been a simple, "I'm going to that electronic equipment store up by...." turn into a 20 min verbal spar.
Now before you say why aren't you minding your own business, I can't help it...really! I think people watching is like a sport. I seriously enjoy watching people interact with their surrounding. I guess that Sociology degree didn't go to waste after all (that's for you Mom and Dad).

So in watching these men it made me realize how often we have conversations with the sole agenda of ourselves being heard. Do we really stop and listen to the other person or do we merely wait for them to take a breath before we decide ok, my turn? 

Ummm.... this week I am going to practice the art of conversation. I have a meeting at work so what better time to put it to the test; however, knowing how meetings function at work, perhaps practicing the art of paying attention should be in order as well.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What's in a Relationship?

When it comes to UPS...everything!
Over the last few years I have had a wonderful relationship with my UPS guy. It seems I have developed into quite the on-line shopper...damn you insomnia and infomercials!

In the early years he has witnessed me running for dear life trying to make the vague after 5 time slot that was circled on previous InfoNotices;he has been patient when I knocked on the door of the truck inquiring if there was anything for me and even laughed at my various weak attempts at postal humor. Despite all of this, over the years we have manged to forge a pretty good- no dare I say pretty darn good relationship. He has so graciously saved his last delivery for me (and another neighbor in the building). The days I have class he will leave a package with my trusted neighbor even when the InfoNotice requires me to sign and alas he laughs at my pitiful attempts at humor. Oh yes we are zen,UPS and I; so you can imagine my surprise when I encountered my version of package delivery hell. First, a delivery was attempted at 10:30 a.m. and then a "second" attempt the next day at 4:46 (hello I was home the whole day this time and nada!!!). The final straw, I left word to leave it with my neighbor only to come home and see the final attempt -package returned to sender notice smacked on my door.

Gulp! where did we go wrong? was this a failure to communicate? are we fighting?
Perhaps this relationship had ran its natural course, some other building was the apple of his eye?
I just had to know...ok, ok I was trying to get them not to ship my stuff back but still...
I called the 800 number like a wounded soul only to find out, it wasn't my regular driver...

So again I ask what's in a relationship? with my UPS driver..everything! :)

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring and...snow???

Ok, so I woke up ready to take on the world; I could smell the coffee brewing (bless whom ever invented coffee machines with timers), had an idea what I was going to wear (a miracle in itself) and a new attitude to boot. Then it happened...I looked out the window. It was raining and snowing! What happened to my picture perfect morning? Suddenly, I had Karen Carpenter ringing in my ears.."rainy days and Mondays always get me down". Yes, I love lite FM tunes.
I made an executive decision...laugh it off and find a way to be productive. Soooooo when I find that way, I'll let you know. :) have a good one

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday and Spring is here

Today is the first day of spring, something I have been waiting for all winter. I tell ya winter has been brutal this year in the Northeast, well really all over. While I am happy that we are turning the seasonal corner, I can't help but fall into the post weekend blues. Every Sunday morning I wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day only to have a sense of  gloom loom over me around  6 ish. The over, back to the grind. Should I be happy that I have a grind to go back to..sure..does it make it any less painful..hell no! I started this blog to remind me to always strive to keep living and not just existing. So with that I will try to shrug off the Sunday evening blues and find a way to march into Monday with hope and vigor. Given what's going on in the world now, surely I can do just that. Will you join me? Here's to a good week.
