Friday, July 29, 2011

Kiss of the Spiderwoman

Those that know me well know that I don't get really creeped out by most insects and not by spiders(ok technically not an insect but hey this ain't a science lesson).
Whenever I come across one in the house I gently pick it up and put it back outside. I don't know, call it karma if you will..anywho..I was sitting at work last week when I felt something bite me. I just thought great another mosquito bite, rubbed the back of my calf and continued working ( yeah that's right working). I noticed a little redness but I get that with mosquito bites. Flash forward a couple of days and this sucker is the size of a baseball, throbbing and itching. Add on another day and I have a fever, headache and sore throat..WTF! What kind of creature was this? A spider you say? I have been bitten by a spider before but never like this. I go to the doctor get loaded up on antibiotics and antihistamines and assume the "watch tv spread out on the couch" position for two days.

Not exactly the two day off from work I had in mind, especially when all the medicine bottles scream avoid alcoholic beverages. Damn! well wine is made from grapes so that's fruit right, right?
I better have some super human spidey powers after this!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Just Another Manic Monday

So by now you all know my love affair with Mondays, and here we are, yet another Monday and I am sitting here reflecting on why I shouldn't just check out mentally...again!
This morning over coffee I kept replaying what an amazing if rather expensive weekend I had. I swear next time I am leaving the ATM card home and dance for my supper if need be...any way like I said I had a great weekend doing all the things I love namely eating, dancing, and indulging my friend vino.
Oh and how can I forget my new passion, futbol. Although my Argentina was eliminated from the Copa America, I did enjoy watching their neighbors Uruguay taking it all Sunday.
As I was sipping away on my coffee I started thinking it's funny how one experience can change you. My experiences in South America definitely gave me that shot in the arm I needed. When I was there I would start the week determined to make and have a new experience for myself.  For example, I told myself I wanted to experience a futbol game and figure out why the rest of the world is so passionate about it. Fast forward to now and I am never a week without futbol in some form.  All of this got me thinking how often I find myself taking what I have here and daydreaming and relating them to my time in Argentina..yup mentally checking out like I do every Monday.

I guess if I really think about it, it's not really checking out as much as it is tuning in. Tuning in to what makes me happy, where my passion lies. With all that being said, I think I'm getting a better understanding about my manic Mondays. I think for me Mondays are a day of thought and reflection. It is the beginning of something new..ah here lies the problem- for me, Mondays nothing was ever new, it became routine.  Now routine can be a good thing; however, being in a rut routinely is not. So from now on, I am going to try and look at Mondays as a way to not only think and reflect about what happened but to set goals for what I want to happen.
Yeahhh that's the ticket!!!! put a positive spin on the whole thing. So yea Mondays..bring it!!!! 
(ok taking bets on how long this will last lol!)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Art of Nothing

Today was a perfect day, I woke up feeling optimistic and ready to take on the world.  What is a girl to do...pack up the sun screen, towel and head to the beach.  I love going to the beach super early before the crowds and noise. It is so great just to hear the waves and feel the sun on your face without the noise of the world getting in the way. I know tomorrow starts another hectic week but for now that is a million miles away. For today, it is me, my thoughts and the sand between my other words,
"It is the perfect art of doing nothing.".

Monday, July 4, 2011

Independence/Happy 4th of July

What can I say, this Independence Day weekend was amazing. Let me first start off by saying I did feel a twing of guilt not going home to spend it with the family; however, with the parental units support I did spend time with others that are important to me as well. Did I do earth shattering things like climb a mountain or go hang with "my peeps" in the Hamptons like all good NY'ers ( insert smile) I spent time with good friends, food and just plain fun. I stuffed my face at an amazing BBQs or as we call it in my neck of the woods an amazing cookout with Las Chicas. I also spent a rainy Sunday afternoon watching some incredible films at an African Diaspora film festival at Columbia Univ and then topping the night sipping wine and walking around the East Village/L.E.S taking it all in with a friend.

Today shopping for some fresh veggies and stuff I was reminded that Independence Day means so much  in many different ways to different people. The beauty of NYC is that it is filled with people from all over and yet we all are able to walk around knowing that freedom and the ability to be and do whatever your heart desires is what ties us.
Happy Independence Day and I hope you got a chance to celebrate it in whatever way made you feel the meaning of the words.

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